Spring of the New Year. A moment in time that afford us perspective. Yes challenges remain, but I think of it as a fresh coat of paint on the same wall. Preferably white (try Benjamin Moore Simply White). I recently remodeled my California abode and found that clearing out the old sorting through my life helped me reconnect with all the things for which I am so grateful. A roof over my head, a sunny day, friends and family nearby and my favorite vase gifted to me by my Mom. I made a resolution to find something to be grateful about every morning every night. Open and close my day in gratitude. I purchased this gold banner and it is the first thing I see with my morning coffee. It helps! I also resolved to do something new different – this little blog of mine. The Sweet Life. Please check in for a chat and some creative design ideas from the mind of Kimberly Levine Ashley. 

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